ENTREPYR-II is the continuation and extension, in terms of territory, partners and actions, of the first cross-border ENTREPYR project which united several mountain refuges in the Pyrenees.
Its main objective is to open the door to permanent cross-border collaboration and to provide all the refuges in the Pyrenees (almost one hundred) with international promotion tools through the creation of a new Pyrenean tourism product, with which they can become known to an international public to which they do not currently have access.
In addition to this new website, ENTREPYR-II will improve environmental sustainability and will set up two joint working spaces for companies and organisations linked to the refuges: a cross-border association and a Pyrenean refuge observatory.
All these elements of collaboration and internationalisation of companies related to mountain refuges are not limited to the duration of the project, as already demonstrated by the first ENTREPYR, as they are continuity commitments directly linked to the management of the refuges themselves.